ISMPP Committees and Objectives
ISMPP's Volunteer Committees are organized into the following 6 pillars: Medical Communications, Medical Publications, Small Companies & New Professionals, Asia Pacific, Education, and Credentialing. The 6 pillars and their associated committees, along with an overview of each committee objective, are provided below.
Medical Communications
Digital/Visual Communications Committee Develop education, guidance, tools/resources on approaches to, and innovations with, digital/visual medical communications (eg, video abstracts, infographics, plain language summaries).
Social Media & Web-based Metrics Committee Develop education, guidance, tools/resources on approaches to managing, and innovations in utilizing, social media to share information about published research, and web-based metrics related to medical publications and communications.
The MAP Newsletter Committee Identify and vet relevant topics and planned content to form the Articles Plan for ISMPP’s The MAP newsletter; identify and engage article authors; support article development as determined.
Medical Publications
Publication Practices Committee Develop publications toolkit with guidances/models/templates for use as a resource in implementing key medical publication practices and associated documentation, including with compliance/legal considerations. Examples include author agreements, standard operating procedures/publication policy, publication plan.
Publication Ethics & Standards Committee Review and update the ISMPP Code of Ethics, as needed. Develop Publications Primer to educate newer professionals on publication planning, publication development, and related topics. Identify areas of concern and new trends related to publication ethics and standards, and develop education, guidance, tools/resources to inform professionals (eg, artificial intelligence; data sharing; financial transparency; authorship; open access; predatory publishing; diversity, equity, inclusion).
Professional Collaborations Outreach Committee Build outreach with related professional organizations and medical societies in the United States and Europe to provide education on relevant publication practices, ethics, and standards, as well as medical communications as beneficial.
Small Companies & New Professionals
This pillar focuses on the needs of professionals who work at biotech, small pharma, and medical device/diagnostics companies, and newer professionals to the field.
Small Companies & New Professionals Education Committee Develop education, training, tools/resources that meet the needs of professionals working in biotech, small pharma, and medical device/diagnostics companies, and new professionals in the field.
Small Companies & New Professionals Outreach Committee Build outreach with biotech organizations, academic programs, and related organizations, etc., and aim to reach professionals who work in biotech, small pharma, and medical device/diagnostics companies and individuals with interest in the medical publications/communications field, to share information about the profession and practices, plus ISMPP membership and educational offerings.
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific Education Committee Identify and vet relevant topics and planned content to form an Asia Pacific ISMPP U webinar plan; identify and engage webinar faculty; work with faculty to develop webinar presentations.
Asia Pacific Collaborations Outreach Committee Build outreach with relevant professional organizations in the Asia Pacific region to provide education on medical publications and communications, and to share information about ISMPP membership and educational offerings.
ISMPP U Committee Identify and vet relevant topics and planned content to form an ISMPP U webinar plan; develop monthly ISMPP U webinars, identifying and engaging webinar faculty; work with faculty to develop webinar presentations, as needed.
Annual Meeting Program Committee Develop the Annual Meeting curriculum with sessions and programming that deliver education for a range of professional experience levels and disciplines. Provide input in determining session topics, identifying and engaging session presenters, and managing assigned meeting sessions. This committee is typically active from August to May.
European Meeting Programme Committee Develop the European Meeting curriculum with sessions and programming that deliver education for a range of professional experience levels and disciplines, and with a particular focus in the region. Provide input in determining session topics, identifying and engaging session presenters, and managing assigned meeting sessions. This committee is typically active from July to January.
ISMPP Academy Program Committee Develop the curriculum for the ISMPP Academy with sessions and programming that deliver best practices education for professionals who work at biotechnology, small pharma, and medical device companies; professionals who are newer to the field; and professionals who want to build their expertise of best practices. Provide input in determining session topics, identifying and engaging session presenters, and managing assigned meeting sessions.
Asia Pacific Meeting Programme Committee Develop the Asia Pacific Meeting curriculum with sessions and programming that deliver education with a particular focus on topics and trends that impact professionals in the Asia Pacific region. Provide input in determining session topics, identifying and engaging session presenters, and managing assigned meeting sessions.
The pillar supports the activities of the ISMPP CMPP™ Program and consists of the Certification Board and Recertification Committee, which are open to only those professionals with an ISMPP CMPP™.
Certification Board The ISMPP CMPP™ Program functions under the leadership of the elected Certification Board, as required by ISMPP’s bylaws. The Certification Board serves as an independent and autonomous body within ISMPP and is responsible for the development, evaluation, supervision, and administration of all Certification Program policies, procedures, and activities. The Certification Board is also responsible for the financial management of the ISMPP CMPP™ Program.
Recertification Committee The Recertification Committee supports the strategic initiatives of the Certification Board at a tactical level, specifically focusing on implementing and refining the Recertification program. The Committee qualifies ISMPP and non-ISMPP courses and activities (including self-study) for recertification credits and assigns credits consistent with Certification Board policy. The Committee also ensures the list of qualifying courses/activities and credits for existing CMPPs and candidates remains current.
CMPP™ Newsletter Committee - New! The CMPP™ Newsletter Committee will be responsible for developing and implementing a recurring newsletter for ISMPP CMPPs. This committee, composed of members from the global CMPP community, will collaborate with a designated Certification Board member to establish the newsletter's design, distribution frequency, and content.