Self-Study Activities for CMPP™s
What is a Self-Study Activity?
The ISMPP Certification Program continues to offer expanded opportunities for CMPPs to earn continuing education (CE) credits. A wide, diverse array of online self-study (or self-paced) activities are available for CE credit. These on-demand activities are characterized by the student and instructor separated by time and location, or where the student engages in a learning activity without an instructor. To maintain a balance between live and on-demand learning, a maximum of 8 self-study CE credits per year may be earned for recertification.
Examples of self-study activities include:
- Pre-recorded audio/video programs
- Recorded webcasts
- Self-paced online courses
- Published articles
How Do I Earn Credit for a Self-Study Activity?
You may earn credit for participating in self-study educational activities that have been reviewed and approved by the ISMPP Certification Program. The number of credit hours and associated domain (credit category) for each self-study activity are predetermined by the ISMPP Certification Program. Self-study activities may be found in LearningBuilder by clicking "Add Activity" in the recertification application and searching by Course Type: "Self-Study Activities" or "The Publication Plan Self-Study Activities". Once an activity is selected, a link to the activity will be provided.
To earn credit for a self-study activity, copy the link from the activity in LearningBuilder and paste in your web browser to access the activity from SurveyMonkey. Click on the link to the activity in Survey Monkey, and complete the activity. Next, go back to SurveyMonkey and complete the survey relating to the activity to receive your authorization code, which must be placed in your recertification application in LearningBuilder (you may want to upload a screenshot of the authorization code). Without the authorization code, you will not receive credit for the activity.
New self-study activities are added regularly to capture key developments in the field of medical publications.