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ISMPP Task Forces and Objectives

ISMPP may establish a Task Force to work on defined objectives for a limited duration when a need arises in the profession or practices. Task Force membership may be solicited through a Volunteer Drive or members may be identified by selecting individuals with knowledge and expertise in the topic area. Current ISMPP Task Forces and their objectives are provided below.

Patient Engagement Task Force

Develop education, guidance, tools/resources on:

 Partnering with patients and patient advocacy groups (PAGs) to develop medical publications and medical communications (eg, plain language summaries).

 Best practices and innovations in communicating medical research to patients (and the wider public).

Build outreach with PAGs to collaborate on above activities, plus other identified activities, and communicate deliverables with PAG networks and with ISMPP network.

Artificial Intelligence Task Force

Develop education, guidance, tools/resources on:

 Innovations and developments with artificial intelligence (AI), including generative AI, that have the potential to impact medical publications, medical communications, and scientific publishing.

 Implications – both positives and challenges – to medical publication, medical communication, and scientific publishing practices and the profession, including addressing the impact on roles and functions within the profession.  For more information contact [email protected]