14th Annual Meeting DatesWe invite you to join us for our 14th Annual Meeting, April 30-May 2, 2018, when we will return to the magnificent setting at the Gaylord National for our next meeting! More details coming soon! Thank you! ISMPP Recognizes Our 13th Annual Meeting ParticipantsISMPP would like to express our gratitude to the Society's dedicated members, faculty, and exhibitors and sponsors, whose valuable contributions resulted in a very successful 13th Annual Meeting! An extra-special thank you also to our Annual Meeting Program Committee, Global Workshop Committee, and Abstracts Committee - your enthusiasm and commitment to planning an informative and enjoyable meeting program are greatly appreciated! This year's Annual Meeting continued to affirm ISMPP's position as the foremost Society for medical publication professionals. In honor of our esteemed faculty ISMPP has made a donation to the American Brain Tumor Association. More than 560 attendees joined us for the 13th Annual Meeting, and we hope that you benefited from the educational sessions, interactive roundtables and workshops, interesting exhibits, and entertaining networking opportunities. We also hope that you enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, with its exciting waterfront location at National Harbor. Most of the meeting session slides will soon be housed in the ISMPP Archives. An ISMPP U featuring highlights from the 13th Annual Meeting will be held in June; stay tuned for more details! Mark Your Calendars Now! Future Meeting Dates:April 15-17, 2019 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD April 20-22, 2020 at the Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington, DC April 19-21, 2021 at the Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington DC